香港人氣漢堡店The Butchers Club 推出星期一外賣自取優惠!逢星期一6點後,同時購買小食或飲品,經典系列漢堡可享買一送一優惠 !The Butchers Club 嘅牛肉至少經過兩星期或以上嘅乾式熟成,令肉味更濃郁同肉質更鬆化,買一送一優惠之下超抵食!今日6點之後可以去買啦!而喺任何一家The Butchers Club門市同通過OpenRice訂購外賣, 都可以有85折外賣優惠!
▲ The Butchers Club 推星期一6點後經典漢堡買一送一優惠!
▲ Date Night二人套餐 ($298)
▲ Date Night二人套餐 ($298) /The 4some 四人套餐 ($278)
▲ 喺任何一家The Butchers Club門市同通過OpenRice訂購外賣, 都可以有85折外賣優惠!
The Butchers Club
地址 (電話):
鰂魚涌華蘭路12號惠安苑地下 (2388 9644)
灣仔蘭杜街2號麗都大廈10號地舖 (2528 2083)
尖沙咀河內道18號K11購物藝術館地下G34-35舖 (2897 7522)
1. Enjoy buy one get one free for any classic burgers including The Classic, Beyond Classic and Impossible™ Classic with a la carte any snacks or drinks
2. This promotion cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers
3. Dine-in and takeaway available
4. The Butchers Club reserves the right of final decision if any dispute.
資料及圖片來源:The Butchers Club