Pixer主席Jim Morris早前透露《Toy Story》唔會承接第三集,而係另外發展三部曲以外獨立故事。電影會變成玩具愛情喜劇,內容會有咩轉變真係暫時不得而知,《Toy Story 4》訂於2019年6月21日上映。相信《Toy Story》系列係唔少80、90後朋友仔既集體回憶,當中電影經典金句,真係陪伴我地成長,一齊重溫下先!
As more and more people leave you,the more and more important those who remain become.
~《Toy Story 2》
…even though you’re not moving, you feel like you’re alive, because that’s how he sees you.
~《Toy Story 2》
聽著 沒有人可以取代我們
Hey, listen, no one’s getting replaced.
~《Toy Story 2》
To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the whole world..
~《Toy Story 2》
只要你從底層做起 任勞任怨 這裡的生活總有一天會夢想成真的。
If you start at the bottom, pay your dues, life here can be a dream come true
~《Toy Story 3》
幼兒園是一個悲傷 寂寞的地方 專門收留沒人要的廢棄舊玩具。
Daycare is a sad, lonely place for washed up old toys who have no owners.
~《Toy Story 3》
I’m a strong person, but every now and then I also need someone to take my hand and say everything will be okay.
~《Toy Story 3》
Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.
~《Toy Story 3》
It’s Lotso. He’s made us into a pyramid, and he put himself on top.
~《Toy Story 3》